Farewell to Fashion ... For Now
As the financial quarter has recently come to an end (that is business industry terminology), it is clear that like many, the fashion industry has taken a huge hit. So, why don’t companies skip a season or two? Well, it turns out they are; With many companies that we know and love c their summer, fall, and some even c winter collections, my number one thought is can we just skip to 2021?
Let’s just forget this year ever happened! In fact, can the government just somehow wipe it from our memories? My second more r thought was as a consumer. What am I expected to wear once the lockdowns are lifted? Will I be hitting the town in the same sweats I’ve been rocking all quarantine? Because just the thought of having to do that little struggle dance to get skinny jeans back on gives me a headache. And if I’m being totally honest, after baking so much banana bread, I’m not sure if they’ll still even fit!

Every company is currently focused on crisis management, Chairman’s and chief executive officers are taking huge salary cuts, deep cost cuts, canceling fashion shows, and so on. Yes, you read that right. Fashion shows; CANCELLE!. When they cancelled sporting events, I didn’t really think much of it, I wasn’t even the slightest bit upset :-P. But for me, personally, fashion shows are the time to really see what goes on in the industry, the backstage, the after parties, the models running from show to show, the lavishness and liveliness of it all. I, as a college student, living in Texas get to see a glimpse of it all through Instagram and other social media platforms. It’s my own version of the world series, or Superbowl, or whatever other big sporting event that guys love (insert *hard eye roll*). While I understand that its obviously not safe for these events to still go on, I don’t know how many more Netflix shows I can watch until I reach my breaking point.

It definitely is an odd time that we are living in as I’ve been seeing a lot of photoshoots happening through zoom/facetime. Just recently I saw a post about how Bella Hadid posed for a magazine campaign via facetime! While magazines and websites still need to provide content, they are also being forced to not only cut back on budgets, but also abide by the CDC’s social distancing rules. While they could easily dig deep into their archives and use pre-cooked images, it would be inconsiderate to do so during this public health crisis. Looking at the positive, this time has reminded us that there is still a way to be creative, to find new, simpler, ways to do what you do. Realizing, a big production, isn’t always the best way to get your message across.
Although it is a tough financial time for our industry, it is refreshing to see companies stepping up and doing their part. LVMH, Ralph Lauren, the Aesthetik, and many others have stopped their own production to make facemasks, hydro-alcoholic sanitizing gel, and PPE to be donated to hospitals around the world. So, no matter how big or small these businesses are, it is very inspiring to see them putting their community above their own financial gain. The fashion industry tends to have a cut throat repertoire, but this seems to be the perfect time to shift towards re-imagining our industry all together.
Until next time, this is Fer signing off while eyeing those skinny jeans and banana bread.

Fernanda Cortina is a soon-to-be fashion graduate that divides her time between Houston and Mexico City. When not traveling around the world she is perfecting the art of sarcasm. She is about as sarcastic as they come and loves to joke around 99.9% of the time; so don't take anything she says too seriously.